Friday, 12 June 2009

We're heading for venus . . .

As Daniel and I wait around the venue, I stare out of the window at the slow passing traffic as he straightens his jacket and struts to and fro. Clear as the black tape tarred across the floor, this show is going ahead. The venues are booked; the posters in print and more worryingly, the cast appear to be forming a play that exudes strength and vitality. As the responsibility dawns, I feel we could fall ourselves free from excuse and bear the burden solely upon our shoulders, but who knows.

Anyway, as promised, allow me to introduce a fantastic artistic and close friend of mine, Hannah Heartshape, who will be taking the role of Estelle, the unsafe socialite with a occupational tendency to introduce those too young to swim to water. Hannah is a wonderful singer songwriter with a voice to rival the best between the blues, soul and disco. With her solo work and her involvement with Sub Rosa (also affiliated with the aforementioned Richard Bolton), she is quickly becoming one to watch on the Nottingham live scene.

Hannah and I met while at a gallery/party opening and proceeded to get thoroughly under water with the free wine, leading to an impromptu session/busking moment out on the street. And as we played with fire (which made us a whole two pounds!), her voice rattled out among cigarettes and smiles, while I played to hard and decided to layer the inside of her guitar with a coat of blood. I’m still fairly honoured that she hasn’t cleaned that away, so that one day I may be able to saunter into a hard Rock and say “there’s a little bit of me” long since after she moves on to the places that she deserves. Put short, she is poetry, of the rarest kind.

Now with the venues in place, and already in work with a fantastic duo for Decadence, it seems that promotion is the thing to do. But all this time with these people, I’m craving my little room and a lot of wine, theatre is a business for wolves, and tonight with this upon us, I feel like a kitten.

Huis Clos:

Lee Rosy’s Tea: 17th July 7 pm

Lee Rosy’s Tea: 19th July 1 pm

Jamcafe: 21st July 7 pm

Jamcafe: 22nd July 7 pm

Fade and the hard to find café: 29th July 7 pm

Lee Rosy’s Tea: 31st 7 pm

To book tickets or for more information, please contact us on: 02071937385

All tickets cost only £2! Please come down and show your support to people trying to do something new, in a town already full with a fantastic night scene, thanks!

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