Hope is a dangerous bedfellow, finished too quickly and asleep too soon. I sit stupid and nervous to lie in his sweaty, overfed arms. However, this time I feel I have no choice but to submit. As the last entry will probably present, despair had sunk in with our sorry state of affairs. We had lost a key member, our rehearsal space was in jeopardy and time spent with our cast was falling by the wayside. Already within a week, things have changed. We now have a male lead far superior to the original, the space has been cleared and painted by our gallant crew, and actors for decadence have already began to rise from the dark recesses of this fair city. Today our performance venues were selected and as Daniel noted “shit, I thought we’d have more trouble”. Yet these things come in threes, so there is still a good healthy fear towards to the future, but who knows.
Daniel and I had our first radio show this week. Hopefully, soon I will work out how to post a link. Amongst much mumbling and a little sullen drunkenness our natural distaste for all popular culture prevailed as we appeared secular and suspicious to the few people listening. I fear Daniel is wasted on radio, arriving in full cravat, shined shoes and tailcoat (suffering in the glorious summer heat). My thanks goes out to Lian for setting the slot up. And as we fell through the tragic miscommunication and obscure references of interview, I believe that at least one of us will have appeared likable. The question is, between the two of us, the mike and the four walls, which presented a greater humanity and stage presence, is debatable.
As for now, we draw in with furious laughter and a little well warmed optimism. I have even stopped my drinking for this. When a performance takes precedence over physical health well, we may just have something. Yet there is nothing to give us a steady heart yet, but what has occurred is a regrouping of the blind united front. We appear to be in control again, apt as we are, at the illusion. Soon, when it is all completed I will be able to post a list of venues and dates and with the next entry I will give a little information on another member of the cast, the wonderful Hanna Holiday. Until then, it leaves me only to say, that as Daniel and I hack away at the fireplace front with drunken saws and rotten wood (red nails etc) we have nothing of this day to fear, except for Daniel’s script typos. I leave you with our current favourite (which sadly will not be repeated within the performance). We will “revenger” ourselves soon.
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