It is with a mixture of sadness and jubilation that Halden Theatre has to announce Alistair Catterall will be leaving the company; During the time he has been with us he has seen and in fact helped us grow into what he would say "Nottingham's most innovative DIY Theatre company". He will be moving on to bigger and better things which involve concentrating on his writing and film work. I am sure I represent everyone at Halden Theatre when I say Farewell and Good Luck Alistair.
So this of course means that I must introduce our new Producer. Our new producer, one Barry Paul Horrell; some of you maybe aware that Mr Horrell is Halden Theatre's MD (Musical Director). Barry will be holding this position on a temporary basis until we have managed to recruit a new volunteer producer, I think a round of applause is required for Barry as I am 100% confident that he will bring new styles of work to future productions that he will work on. This in mind, If anyone out there reading this is perhaps a budding producer or would like to be a producer please please contact Halden Theatre so we can discuss matters further.
Well we are into the final stretch, 4 weeks to go, the cast are forming an amazing piece of dramatic action. The costumes are having there final pins taken out and the tickets are selling like hot buns at a church fête. All we need now is for the opening night! Of course there is still a lot more work to be done, Lights have to be arranged and more importantly the lighting board! So with no further adieu I had better get back to work . . . Now where is my 12V tester!